Patient Testimonies
“I am a retired Veterinarian from Washington State University and for the past 53 years, I have professionally trained retrievers for field trials. I was recently elected to the National Retriever Hall of Fame. When my near and far vision started dimming to the point that I could no longer see the dogs, I decided it was time to visit another award winner, Dr. David Leach. He said cataracts were causing cloudiness in my vision and getting in the way of the dog training, I loved to do.The good news was that I discovered I had an opportunity to have the ReSTOR lens that could correct my vision to possibly better than it had even been. Now I see the whole picture, I see my dogs at 400 yards away and I can read without my glasses. My advice to anyone considering cataract surgery is to spend a little extra and get the lens that will give you the best vision possible. Now I really enjoy life again!”
“The care, compassion, and encouragement I received for all of my eye surgery related visits and the operations were outstanding. Then when my insurance was so difficult to deal with, the financial department was amazing in advocating for me, turning the overwhelming expenses into something totally manageable. I want to thank all of you for saving my vision and going above and beyond by caring about me as a person not just a patient. I have never had such a great experience or felt so encouraged by a team of medical professionals and the office staff. Thank you!”
“When my optometrist told me I had cataracts my first thought was “Oh, great, something else”. But I had to admit I really didn’t know what they were. Sigh… too much fun in the sun in my life!Fast forward three months. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing could be done about my cataracts. New lens implants? No glasses? But I’ve been wearing glasses for nearly 40 years! My surgeries were done on 12 and 26 January. Despite the expense, I chose the Restor multi-focal lenses because of my young age – 54. The surgeries were quick and painless, with the only ‘hardship’ was using the eye drops. But, now I can see multi-focally distant, mid-range and near. I might need some computer-only glasses but I’m not ready to go there just yet. I still use some moistening eye drops but what a small price to pay.
I still reach for my glasses at times, or feel like I’m missing something. I have to pinch myself at times. And I sometimes wear sun glasses on overcast days just because it feels normal.
Thank you Rhonda for your advice. Thank you Dr. Leach for your skill. Thank you to all of the Clearview Eye Clinic staff for your care and professionalism. And thank you to Gritman Medical Center for the part they played in this life-changing event.”
“My cataract surgery was painless. Now, I only use glasses for reading. It was overwhelming to be able to see so clearly. To sit in church and be able to see the facial expressions of the choir–awesome! Continue being a caring and supportive doctor. You are all very professional.”
“I am astounded at how clear my vision is after my Painless Vision Correction Surgery. Thanks to Dr. Leach my thick glasses are now a thing of the Past!!”
“Considering cataract surgery? Have you considered multifocal ReSTOR lenses rather than the normal lenses? Well, I did because I’ve had very poor vision for my whole life and when I looked into LASIK it was determined I was not a candidate.I am the manager of Pullman Transit and I need to be able pass a CDL vision test to keep my CDL Drivers license. Last year I realized that this was no longer possible and I had to make a choice. After learning I was not a candidate for LASIK, Dr. Leach recommended “ReSTOR” lenses to correct my near, intermediate and far vision. I decided to go forward with the surgery, which was so easy and painless, and now I have 20/20 vision for the first time in 58 years! And I can see just as clearly up close, no glasses!!
You cannot believe the feeling I had when both of my eyes had the corrective surgery, “I CAN SEE” and I don’t need glasses. When this fact hit me I simply sat down and cried, ‘BIG BOYS DON’T CRY’ but I did and you might also if you decide to have this surgery. It is life changing and I am so happy I did it. I can’t wait to play golf and really know what a 300 yard drive looks like. Maybe someday I will actually be able hit the ball that far!
Just so you know, my wife, kids and grandson are so much better looking than I ever thought. If you are considering cataract surgery and you want to see like you did when you were young, or as I have experienced, like I have never seen before, please consider “ReSTOR” lenses, they really work.”
“Dear Dr. Leach, Dr. Baughman and the TEAM. Thank you for my eye surgery, check-ups and for making it possible to read print and get rid of my glasses! You are all a great group working together to help people with their eyes and sight. It takes years of study and dedication to have the knowledge and skills that you have. And it is a real love of people and helping them. All of us are on different journeys and faith walks with the Creator who made us. I have experienced deeply how Jesus heals the blind today as he did long ago. He works through your hands and heart caring for people. Thank you to each of you.”
“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I am absolutely amazed and awestruck by the results of my most recent cataract surgery by Dr. Leach. By the evening of my surgery, my vision was already pretty good and by bedtime the scratchiness was almost gone. By morning there was no scratchiness. Now a week after surgery, I have 20/20 vision in both eyes. I feel like I have new full color, 3-D, High Definition Vision. I haven’t been able to see this well since I was 7 years old.”
“I’ve worked with a lot of doctors over the years and Dr. Leach is one of the best. That’s why I chose him to do my eye surgery … and my vision is better now that it has been in years.”
“I was delighted to receive the flowering plant after my cataract surgery – just one of the many ‘small touches’ that made me feel so well cared for along the way.”